Category Archives: The Avenue

My real-life stories I can never forget, needed to share and that contribute big impact to my life.

Have You Ever?

The weird side

As you look up the sky at night with all the blazing stars at sight, have you ever thought that we’re actually looking down towards the massive creation known as the great cosmo; and, that it’s just the gravity that’s keeping us grounded?

The stars. Hundreds if not thousands of them, all shining right through your eyes. Yet, at one point, have you ever thought how marvelous it is to see different points of the past at one glare at the present?

Have you ever thought that the whole cosmic creation inter-loops one another? Aside from the universe that we all have known, have you ever heard of multiverse? What about multi-dimensions? Realms?

The cosmo is a one massive interconnected points of events, all occuring in four-dimentional space, where there is no point of start, no point of stop, no point of destination, no point of origin; yet, holds records of creation, evolution and destruction. It is where the past, the present and the future all exist at the same time. It is where the cosmic creation still exists as the cosmic destruction has already started. It is like watching a game that has not yet been played. It’s like listening to a good piece of music that has not yet been composed. It’s like reading a good book that has not yet been written. It’s like seeing your death when you have not yet been born.

Have you ever asked why in the past, there were numerous reports all around the world about alien abduction, and similar sightings of highly advanced unidentified flying objects hovering over the sky whether be at night or broad daylight? And, now that our technology has already evolved, and that we are now on the quest for alien search, have you ever asked why we no longer get to find one?

How were they able to find us when we could hardly find them? Where did everybody go?

Have you ever thought that probably, the way we do the search for extraterrestrial existence isn’t the proper way at all?

Say, if the highly technological Greys from 500,000 light years away are observing planet Earth right now, they’re obviously watching our Neanderthal ancestors making ways for living.

What about their cousin, Insectoids from 65,000,000 light years away? They’re definitely watching the dinosaurs.

What about their numerous encounters with the modern Earthlings? How did they get so close to the modern era? Are the habitats where they thrive just happen to be very close to ours and yet, we don’t know where? Or, probably, they’re the new species of a multiverse future who have successfully created space and time warps through quantum entanglement.

What if they’re actually living in the present and we are the ones from the past? How would we know? Despite the multiverse reality, the only reality that is known to Earthlings is the current reality that we live in. We are all trapped in one body, living one life in one moment. We are bound to the physical laws of the planet that we live in. Yet, it doesn’t mean that the said notion isn’t really possible and isn’t happening.

Afterall, the lights from the stars that shine at night are mostly from stars that have died 5,000,000 years ago while a few are from 3,000,000 to 1,000,000 years ago. It just took millions of light years for their lights to reach planet Earth; and, despite how clustered they appear to our perspective, they’re actually shining from massive great distances between one another, all coming from different past times yet, they reach our present all at the same time.

But, let’s drop it. The worst case scenario: Our future selves have finally found them, abducted them, and endangered them (the human way!) And, now they have gone extinct. Interesting!

What if, they really are futuristic beings whose only agenda was to look back in time to see how they thrived and destroyed planet Earth when they were still humans? How far then would humanity go?

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Posted by on October 30, 2017 in The Avenue


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When the Bow Breaks

This eerie feeling is so undeniable. I can now feel the bumper hitting my side. I’m getting this creepy chill as I am fully aware of the reality that I’m currently in motion, feeling my body flying momentarily in the air, seeing the lights drawing distance. I am so caught in the momentum as I am now anticipating my hurtful crash.

Then finally, the gravity pulls me down hard, hitting the ground with all my weight, throwing all my multiple gypsy neck accessories off my body, scattering all tiny beads and apparels off in every direction, and feeling some bones cracking from the inside and tissues ripping from the outside. I am so aware of how rough the road is as I rub and shovel myself off against the asphalt, and tear some skin off especially on my bony corner parts.

Then, at last, I have come to a halt.

There is silence. I cannot hear anything. I cannot move. I cannot speak. I can do nothing. I cannot even think. My thoughts just escaped ten seconds ago; and now, it’s null. It’s blank. It’s void. There is nothing at all.

I guess that’s it. That is all it. That is just how it goes.

I’m dead.

I just died.

I cannot believe that I’m all right here, standing still, watching my own cold body lying on the ground. This part of me is what I have not prepared for.

Duh, as if like it happens everyday!

Dead bodies are not what we get to see everyday, as to coffins are not one of those domestic decorations we see in regular houses on regular occasions.

It’s not like a lousy bump on the knee as we stupidly walk over a table; or, flipping a leg over as we pay less attention that the staircase has one more step, which we forget to step on.

The brains are the body as the emotions are the soul. It takes authenticity to see the soul through the eyes. Silence is therapeutic as it tames the unquiet mind yet, also deadly as it kills the tormented heart.

Big drops of rain keep pelting on my cold, lifeless, icy face as the darkened sky mercilessly drown me. I drown myself in, stirring it all in, struggling for it, hoping that I could bring myself back to life; but, guess what? I never did.

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Posted by on October 9, 2017 in The Avenue


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Its Loneliest Tick

Its Loneliest Tick

“There is loneliness in this world, so great that you can see it in the slow movement of the hands of the clock.” — Charles Bukowski

It’s the intangible sensation that creeps beneath your skin, surfacing out, thrilling your nerves with unbearable chill.  It’s the undefined emotion that sculls your fear through the waves of your mind.  It’s the unsolicited presentiment that rooms into your thought, clearing all your mind’s furniture of sanity.  It’s that moment when hope abandons you, as fear torments you.

It’s dark.  Night-dark.  Casket-dark.  Darkest dark your vision could ever recognize.  It fuels the forever restless engine, sitting, rusting down the pit of the unmapped space of your heart.  It unlocks your forced-lock fear like vampires disturbed and awakened from their deep sleep down the deepest part of the dungeon by a single drop of fresh blood.  It skulls into your mind picture after picture of fangs, claws and misshapened shadows.  It shrinks your heart into an impossible fold where you cringe yourself in fear and sorrow.  You cower yourself exceedingly small as you keep watching over crawlies underneath your bed.  It feeds from your loneliest memory of the past.

It ticks, and it never stops.

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Posted by on March 24, 2017 in The Avenue


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